The building of St. Valery

Beginning The Process

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Frist thing I did is copy the blue prints and lamate the copies


The lines on the plans reads to the outside finish. I subtrate a 1/2 inch whis is the thickness of the planken. When I trace the full size lines on the Mylar I used a small peice of plywood to "offset" the lines. When the molds are in place and the planking is finished the hull will match the lines on the blue prints

5 The lauan patterns are then cut out with a jig saw to about a 16th of an inch to the penciled lines. The hand sander with a good girt papar will take the rest off nicely. Check for fairness by eye and adjust if needed. Compare the finished pattern to the mylar and then mark the station number (ST.5) etc., and make sure the measurement from the center to the outside is easy to read.

1 The next part is to draw the grid on a platform. The platforn is a large table top "so to speak" in this case I used two 4'x8' 3/8 birch plywood and 1"x2" stretcher frame between the two sheets to make it stiff.
The lines ploted on the blueprint copies makes it easy to plot the lines on the full size board which at this time I had ploted a full size grid.
2 Now there is a set of dots to repersent the lines of the hull were they intersect with the grid on the plans. I then take a batten that has push-pins in it and connect the dots. Once it is set to my liking I trace a long the fair curve.

3 Mylar is then layed over the platfom. I then trace with a thin black maker the lines of the hull. Lauan is the choice materal to make templets. Lay the Mylar over the lauan and prick with a sheet rock screw along the traced lines every inch or so.
4 Useing a batten and a pencil make a fair curve from the series of dots made by the sheet rock screw. Measure the distance from the center line to the outside line were the gunnel will be and write it on the pattern so it is there for reference.

Taking the lines from this size to a full size is a trick with smoke and mirrors


Lofting is a process of translation of the lines on the blue print to full-size lines on a "platform".  Mertic measurement helps to make this proceess easy.
I note with an expo pen on the laminated blue print copy each point of the lines intersects with the grid provide on the plans.